Pro Ratatouille Villages
In 2014, there are 3 villages actively involved in the Pro Ratatouille program, all of which are situated in Borsod county, in Eastern Hungary.

The Pro Ratatouille Project was launched in Hejőszalonta in 2012, therefore this village is also our pilot-project. The land for production was offered by the municipality. In the first year of the program the results were inspiring:

• Development of the community garden with a greenhouse;
• The participants acquired basic knowledge about organic vegetable production;
• A cooperative community of producers has developed;
• Participants were eating their self-produced vegetable throughout the year, which caused a significant change in their quality of life;
• News of the program spread to other villages as well and several municipalities showed interest in starting their own Pro Ratatouille project
• The participants of the program gained respect in eyes of the other members of the village, people even offered their private land to be used in the program.

In 2014, the program in Hejőszalonta is running with 12 members on an area of… The producers, who participated in the program from the beginning are building up more and more experience in vegetable production and aim to produce for the market in 2015.

Bükkaranyos joined the Pro Ratatouille project in 2013. The land for production was also offered by the municipality, one that had not been in agricultural production before and had to be broken in. The program started with 22 members, a diverse group of elderly women, and younger unemployed people, both Roma and non-Roma. Production continued in 2014 with 10 members.

Hejőkeresztúr is the newest member of the Pro Ratatouille program, joining in 2014. In this village, the organic gardening program is part of a larger village development project financed by the European Union. To reach long term sustainability in village development, the wider public is also addressed through informative events and publications about healthy eating habits and environmentally friendly gardening methods.

Pro Ratatouille   Roma   unemployment   participant based development   Hejőkeresztúr   Hejőszalonta   Bükkaranyos  
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